Membership to the association would be offered to any person interested in the objectives of the association and shall be in the following categories:

a) Founder Members: –
Shall be all members who took an active part during the formative stages of this association and their names shall appear in the registration documents. However, they shall be required to pay fees as stipulated for ordinary members.

b) Ordinary Members: –
Shall be professionals working on research, training, extension, production, processing and marketing of crops. Members should at least hold a certificate in their relevant profession subject to approval by the Executive Committee. They shall be required to pay fees as will be determined by the Annual General Meeting (AGM)

c) Associate Members: –
Associate members shall be: –
i) Farmers
ii) Any persons or corporate bodies or institutions advancing the interests of the association.
iii) Students in areas of any relevant training shall be limited to five (5) calendar years. They shall be required to pay fees as determined by the Annual General Meeting.

d) Honorary Members: –
Shall be individuals who have distinguished themselves in public services. Such members shall be proposed by the Executive Committee to the Annual General Meeting for consideration and approval.

e) Life Members: –
Life members shall fulfil the requirements for either ORDINARY or ASSOCIATE members and shall contribute membership fees for a minimum of TEN YEARS in advance.

f) Sustaining Members: –
Shall be any individual or organization paying annual fees fixed by the Executive Committee. A sustaining member may designate an individual as its official representative and this individual will be given membership with all rights of an ordinary member.

To become a CROSAT Member:

Eligible members shall apply by filling in the online application forms. Such application shall be considered for approval by the Executive Committee.

CROSAT Membership Registration form: